Morning kids. What an awesome week we’re having, no? Some daft bugger has closed all the blinds in the office today, so I’m taking far more coffee breaks than is strictly necessary to try and wrest back some sunshine.
I went airsofting last night with some friends (think paintball, but indoors and with BBs instead of paint) and tripped whilst heroicly pegging it away from the other team… consequently I’ve completely knackered my shoulder. I’m sat here, high on ibuprofen, trying not to move. My poor wife (who is 8-months pregnant and can barely move, too) had to help dress me this morning. Oh how the mighty have fallen, eh! So, if you see me around this weekend, be gentle otherwise I might cry at you.
Today’s playlist is courtesy of Mighty Mike Sheldrick and is entitled Barefaced Optimism. Honestly, I wasn’t sure what to expect here, but this whole playlist works really well. Nothing like a sunny day and some undeniably classic tunes to cheer you up! Make sure to hit the read more link to see what Mike has to say about this mix – worth reading.
Bring on the weekend.
Mike says:
And greetings again, friends! Today”™s collection is all about the positive thinking. We all have bad days, weeks, months etc, where it can seem like the world is picking on you. So I have taken it upon myself to stick the proverbial ”˜finger”™ to the proverbial ”˜man”™. So umm, yes without any further ado, I shall aim to get the positive vibes started with our “Barefaced Optimism” collection.
We start with an old favourite of mine. Green Day”™s “The Grouch” sets the tone of the playlist, where the poor chap is feeling a bit sorry for himself. We turn then to the likes of “The Boo Radleys” and “Judy Garland” to turn that frown upside down. I think this is a bit of a summer tune, but lets face it, does a nice sun shiny day not make you want to feel a bit better about yourself?. A bit of an obvious addition but you can”™t really argue with the simple message of “Get Happy” The cheesy beats continue with Tahiti 80 and Lightning seeds.
We have a few more obvious choices then with the “Can you feel it?” from the Mo-town Monsters, the “Jackson 5, and a few sing-a-long Disney favourites, “Hakuna Matata” and “Bear Necessities”, but its nice to unleash the inner child and let your hair down, isn”™t it?
We get a little downtempto towards the end of our playlist with “The Streets” and “Lighthouse Family”, yet the theme is still ever present. It had to come at some point, we have a track that comes from a Broadway Musical. “Sunny Side to Every Situation” from” 42nd Street”. In A scene where the cast of a show have lost the female lead through an injury in rehearsals, there is a real threat that the show may be cancelled. The cast convince themselves will all turn out rosy in the end with this number. Of course we couldn”™t end this playlist on a sombre note, so to end, we turn to none other than arguable one-hit-wonder of the 90”™s, “Chumbawamba” and “Tubthumping”. I hope your spirits are now suitably uplifted. To this end, in a Jerry Springer kind of way, I leave you with this final thought.
“No matter how hard your day gets, eventually it will come to an end”