Features Playlists

Feature: Classics Collected

Hello and welcome to another edition of Classics Collected, where we at Spotisfaction Towers go all Time Team on you and dig up some classic record relics (and Dave would make a good Tony Robinson).

Presented to the experts for valuation this week (purely for insurance purposes, naturally) are a nice mix of styles from Rock through Hip-Hop and Dance to the Tarzan and Jane of Jungle. I’m sure each one will come back from auction as a bobby dazzler and we hope you enjoy them too. As always, make good use of our comments system, let us know our hits and misses and if you have any suggestions for future editions, be they albums, artists or themes, then let us know!

Stereophonics ”“ Word Gets Around – Deluxe Edition – Our first choice this week is an album I’ve long known that I would be including at some stage, but my hand has been forced by its recent re-issue (or at least re-inclusion to Spotify) as a deluxe edition. With many of our choices, the albums represent a great deal to those of us, and indeed to those of you who were of a certain age at a certain time. This album in itself represents a great piece of songwriting, let alone as a debut, with each song expertly spinning its own tale of life. Its impact to my social scene at the time was huge and, as a result, this album and its follow-up will always have a special place in my heart.

Ocean Colour Scene ”“ Moseley Shoals – This album was chosen as it had a similar impact to the above at the time of its release. Helped a little by heavy use on the popular show TFI Friday I’m sure, and spawing a large number of songs, this was a massive commercial breakthrough for the group. It started a miniature mod revolution on the back of it and, for a few summers, you didn’t have to go far to find coverage of Ocean Colour Scene.

DJ Shadow ”“ Endtroducing… – This artist has a massive heritage in the hip-hop production scene and has worked with more artists over his career than I’ve had pointless arguments on internet forums. This was an important breakthrough album for DJ Shadow and as a piece of musical work created almost entirely on samples and loops, it inspired a massive number of bedroom breakbeat Beethovens.

The Rolling Stones ”“ Aftermath – Often I fear that we cannot continue to call ourselves Classics Collected and not include some of the obvious classic albums. I like to try and pick and choose a variety to keep you all interested and inspired, but sometimes you have to get back to the big choices. Any album by the Rolling Stones needs little in the way of introduction, and this album was chosen as it housed classic track ‘Paint It Black’ (on one version at least!). There are a number of great tracks on this album and it certainly encompasses the sound of an age.

Aphrodite ”“ Aphrodite – The Tarzan and Jane of Jungle, this album would turn Hare Krishna into a Bad Boy… At least that’s how Koop described the biggest track on this album in popular party epic ‘Human Traffic’. Part of the reason for its inclusion however, was because this album was simply an atom bomb on the jungle/drum & bass scene of the time and was played at parties, clubs and raves up and down the land. Big sounds, big beats and brash tempo but not so ‘scene’ that many outside it couldn’t enjoy it. It maybe lacked some of that commercial polish that others like Roni Size or Goldie enjoyed,  but if you are a friend to the genre or even just a casual observer I think you will love it.

Well guys, that’s all we have time for this week and we hope you’ve enjoyed the choices. They’re encompassed in the playlist below with a secret extra album for you dedicated listeners that want the whole pie and not just a sneeky slice.

Classics Collected 25/10/2010

We hope to see you all next week for another edition of Tomorrow’s Sounds Today, but until then, party on!

Peace, Love and Music,

James Battin

By James Battin

James is the little voice in Dave's ear but certainly not his conscience...

Contributor, Writer, Playlister and general loiterer in the background... I have ideas but often need to help in following them through!

I love the variety of music on offer out there and am often told off for subconciously beatboxing while working.

I'm a Cisco engineer by day and tired parent to 2 awesome children by night.

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