Pint sized pop star Prince says the days of the Internet dominating pop culture are over”¦
In a break from common trends Prince”™s latest album 20Ten, out later this summer, will not be available for download, but a physical copy will be given away free with classy tabloids the Daily Mirror and Daily Record.
Not alone in his opinion, Jack White is also dedicating himself to physical formats, Prince explained in an interview to the NME “The Internet”™s completely over, I don”™t see why I should give my new music to iTunes or anyone else. They won”™t pay me an advance for it, and then they get angry when they can”™t get it.”
And here was us thinking that all these people wanted to do was make a living creating music and sharing it with the world. What do you guys think? Technophobia? Short-sightedness? Discuss.