
Yo. Today is Thursday, and it”™s a doozy. Thought I”™d start by sharing this nugget from Mr. Andrew WK:

Get today”™s playlist ””””””-> HERE

Blurbles underneath, and such.


  1. Machinefabriek – Porselein
  2. Sun Kil Moon – Exit Does Not Exist
  3. The Big Eyes Family Players – For Gorecki
  4. Sun Kil Moon – Carry Me, Ohio
  5. Benjamin Finger – Woods of Broccoli
  6. Nils Frahm – Ambre
  7. Message To Bears – Running Through Woodland
  8. Eluvium – Prelude For Time Feelers
  9. Adrian Crowley – Theft By Starlight
  10. F.S. Blumm – Fehlsprung
  11. Alasdair Roberts – Com, My Darling Polly
  12. Damian Jurado – Omaha
  13. Small Sur – Ohhhhh Part 1
  14. Beneva, Clark Nova – Two Men Being Hospitalized When Only One Had To Be
  15. Murcof – Lully”™s “Turquerie” As Interpreted By An Advanced Script
  16. Vladislav Delay – Melankolia
  17. Sunburned Hand Of The Man – Nice Butterfly Mask
  18. Proem – Bites Their Tongue
  19. Monolake – Tetris
  20. Access To Arasaka – Monoscan
  21. Venetian Snares – Vida
  22. Autechre – Fermium
  23. Amon Tobin – The Lighthouse
  24. Clint Mansell – “We”™re Not Programs, GERTY, We”™re People”
  25. Aphex Twin – Blue Calx

Today is a bit dark, I”™m afraid. Got some stuff going on that I won”™t bore you with (side note: if any of you see a small ginger kitten wondering the streets of Tredworth, pick him up and gimme a call), and it”™s bled into my playlist so I”™m sorry but this one”™s not a workday pick-me-up.

I won”™t write too much about why these songs are personal to me, but I”™ll pick out some of my standouts. I hope that some of the choices resonate with you too. That”™s what I love about this whole Spotisfaction endeavour – it gives such an amazing insight into someone”™s whole being. So thanks for sharing with us, and allowing us to do the same.

I”™m really proud of the transition between Benjamin Finger”™s “Woods of Broccoli” and Nils Frahm”™s “Ambre”. Those two songs are completely complimentary to each other, almost two halves of the same track. I”™m not sure where I heard of Nils Frahm, but I gave Benjamin Finger a shot after a mammoth click-through session on Spotify. Very glad that I did. Going out to buy the “Woods of Broccoli” LP ASAP. Gentle nostalgia and breathtakingly sad piano parts make both of these tracks jump out at me.

Adrian Crowley is someone I”™ve never really given enough credit to. He”™s got such a haunting sound. “Theft By Starlight” is depressing, soul-destroying, and yet so utterly beautiful it hurts. In-fact, this whole section of the playlist I find very tough to listen to, but by equal measures so rewarding too.

The start of the “glitchy” section of the playlist is marked by Beneva vs Clark Nova. I”™m not going to lie, I”™d never heard of them but I randomly found them on a Mixloud experimental/glitch cloudcast. Please make sure you check out Mixcloud – it”™s completely amazing. Moving into this latter half of the playlist, I wanted to try and get over my self-induced slump by playing some tracks I”™d either not heard in a while (in the case of Autechre, Venetian Snares and Amon Tobin) or wanted to explore a bit more. The tracks in this half of the list represent a time in my life just after I finished Uni, but before I found full-time work. These tracks are permiated by a solid theme, but are hectic and unfocussed at times, brutally self-indulgant at others, relentlessly forward-thinking and always challenging. I think the music here reflects my life during that time a lot more than I realised. The whole purpose of including these tracks here was to act as a reminder that I”™m not that same person, nor do I have to be. I know that sounds wanky and pretentious, but hey.

Finished with one of my all-time favourite Aphex Twin tracks, “Blue Calx”. Stunning.

Love and stuff.

Yo. Today is Thursday, and it”™s a doozy. Thought I”™d start by sharing this nugget from Mr. Andrew WK:

Get today”™s playlist ””””””-> HERE

Blurbles underneath, and such.


  1. Machinefabriek – Porselein
  2. Sun Kil Moon – Exit Does Not Exist
  3. The Big Eyes Family Players – For Gorecki
  4. Sun Kil Moon – Carry Me, Ohio
  5. Benjamin Finger – Woods of Broccoli
  6. Nils Frahm – Ambre
  7. Message To Bears – Running Through Woodland
  8. Eluvium – Prelude For Time Feelers
  9. Adrian Crowley – Theft By Starlight
  10. F.S. Blumm – Fehlsprung
  11. Alasdair Roberts – Com, My Darling Polly
  12. Damian Jurado – Omaha
  13. Small Sur – Ohhhhh Part 1
  14. Beneva, Clark Nova – Two Men Being Hospitalized When Only One Had To Be
  15. Murcof – Lully”™s “Turquerie” As Interpreted By An Advanced Script
  16. Vladislav Delay – Melankolia
  17. Sunburned Hand Of The Man – Nice Butterfly Mask
  18. Proem – Bites Their Tongue
  19. Monolake – Tetris
  20. Access To Arasaka – Monoscan
  21. Venetian Snares – Vida
  22. Autechre – Fermium
  23. Amon Tobin – The Lighthouse
  24. Clint Mansell – “We”™re Not Programs, GERTY, We”™re People”
  25. Aphex Twin – Blue Calx

Today is a bit dark, I”™m afraid. Got some stuff going on that I won”™t bore you with (side note: if any of you see a small ginger kitten wondering the streets of Tredworth, pick him up and gimme a call), and it”™s bled into my playlist so I”™m sorry but this one”™s not a workday pick-me-up.

I won”™t write too much about why these songs are personal to me, but I”™ll pick out some of my standouts. I hope that some of the choices resonate with you too. That”™s what I love about this whole Spotisfaction endeavour – it gives such an amazing insight into someone”™s whole being. So thanks for sharing with us, and allowing us to do the same.

I”™m really proud of the transition between Benjamin Finger”™s “Woods of Broccoli” and Nils Frahm”™s “Ambre”. Those two songs are completely complimentary to each other, almost two halves of the same track. I”™m not sure where I heard of Nils Frahm, but I gave Benjamin Finger a shot after a mammoth click-through session on Spotify. Very glad that I did. Going out to buy the “Woods of Broccoli” LP ASAP. Gentle nostalgia and breathtakingly sad piano parts make both of these tracks jump out at me.

Adrian Crowley is someone I”™ve never really given enough credit to. He”™s got such a haunting sound. “Theft By Starlight” is depressing, soul-destroying, and yet so utterly beautiful it hurts. In-fact, this whole section of the playlist I find very tough to listen to, but by equal measures so rewarding too.

The start of the “glitchy” section of the playlist is marked by Beneva vs Clark Nova. I”™m not going to lie, I”™d never heard of them but I randomly found them on a Mixloud experimental/glitch cloudcast. Please make sure you check out Mixcloud – it”™s completely amazing. Moving into this latter half of the playlist, I wanted to try and get over my self-induced slump by playing some tracks I”™d either not heard in a while (in the case of Autechre, Venetian Snares and Amon Tobin) or wanted to explore a bit more. The tracks in this half of the list represent a time in my life just after I finished Uni, but before I found full-time work. These tracks are permiated by a solid theme, but are hectic and unfocussed at times, brutally self-indulgant at others, relentlessly forward-thinking and always challenging. I think the music here reflects my life during that time a lot more than I realised. The whole purpose of including these tracks here was to act as a reminder that I”™m not that same person, nor do I have to be. I know that sounds wanky and pretentious, but hey.

Finished with one of my all-time favourite Aphex Twin tracks, “Blue Calx”. Stunning.

Love and stuff.