Yo. Today is Thursday, and it”™s a doozy. Thought I”™d start by sharing this nugget from Mr. Andrew WK: http://vodpod.com/watch/3250082-andrew-w-k-im-a-vagabond
Get today”™s playlist ””””””-> HERE
Blurbles underneath, and such.
- Machinefabriek – Porselein
- Sun Kil Moon – Exit Does Not Exist
- The Big Eyes Family Players – For Gorecki
- Sun Kil Moon – Carry Me, Ohio
- Benjamin Finger – Woods of Broccoli
- Nils Frahm – Ambre
- Message To Bears – Running Through Woodland
- Eluvium – Prelude For Time Feelers
- Adrian Crowley – Theft By Starlight
- F.S. Blumm – Fehlsprung
- Alasdair Roberts – Com, My Darling Polly
- Damian Jurado – Omaha
- Small Sur – Ohhhhh Part 1
- Beneva, Clark Nova – Two Men Being Hospitalized When Only One Had To Be
- Murcof – Lully”™s “Turquerie” As Interpreted By An Advanced Script
- Vladislav Delay – Melankolia
- Sunburned Hand Of The Man – Nice Butterfly Mask
- Proem – Bites Their Tongue
- Monolake – Tetris
- Access To Arasaka – Monoscan
- Venetian Snares – Vida
- Autechre – Fermium
- Amon Tobin – The Lighthouse
- Clint Mansell – “We”™re Not Programs, GERTY, We”™re People”
- Aphex Twin – Blue Calx
Today is a bit dark, I”™m afraid. Got some stuff going on that I won”™t bore you with (side note: if any of you see a small ginger kitten wondering the streets of Tredworth, pick him up and gimme a call), and it”™s bled into my playlist so I”™m sorry but this one”™s not a workday pick-me-up.
I won”™t write too much about why these songs are personal to me, but I”™ll pick out some of my standouts. I hope that some of the choices resonate with you too. That”™s what I love about this whole Spotisfaction endeavour – it gives such an amazing insight into someone”™s whole being. So thanks for sharing with us, and allowing us to do the same.
I”™m really proud of the transition between Benjamin Finger”™s “Woods of Broccoli” and Nils Frahm”™s “Ambre”. Those two songs are completely complimentary to each other, almost two halves of the same track. I”™m not sure where I heard of Nils Frahm, but I gave Benjamin Finger a shot after a mammoth click-through session on Spotify. Very glad that I did. Going out to buy the “Woods of Broccoli” LP ASAP. Gentle nostalgia and breathtakingly sad piano parts make both of these tracks jump out at me.
Adrian Crowley is someone I”™ve never really given enough credit to. He”™s got such a haunting sound. “Theft By Starlight” is depressing, soul-destroying, and yet so utterly beautiful it hurts. In-fact, this whole section of the playlist I find very tough to listen to, but by equal measures so rewarding too.
The start of the “glitchy” section of the playlist is marked by Beneva vs Clark Nova. I”™m not going to lie, I”™d never heard of them but I randomly found them on a Mixloud experimental/glitch cloudcast. Please make sure you check out Mixcloud – it”™s completely amazing. Moving into this latter half of the playlist, I wanted to try and get over my self-induced slump by playing some tracks I”™d either not heard in a while (in the case of Autechre, Venetian Snares and Amon Tobin) or wanted to explore a bit more. The tracks in this half of the list represent a time in my life just after I finished Uni, but before I found full-time work. These tracks are permiated by a solid theme, but are hectic and unfocussed at times, brutally self-indulgant at others, relentlessly forward-thinking and always challenging. I think the music here reflects my life during that time a lot more than I realised. The whole purpose of including these tracks here was to act as a reminder that I”™m not that same person, nor do I have to be. I know that sounds wanky and pretentious, but hey.
Finished with one of my all-time favourite Aphex Twin tracks, “Blue Calx”. Stunning.
Love and stuff.